
Old and Obscure Words

1. Allure - The attractive appeal possessed by
somebody or something, often a glamorous and sometimes
rather danger- ous one. Fifteenth century. From Anglo-Norman
alurer, Old French aloirrier, aleurier, literally "to bring
to the bait," from leure "bait."

2. Woo - To court; to seek the attention or
love of a woman. From Old English wogian, of unknown

3. Smitten - Infatuated with somebody. Old
English smitan "to smear, pollute," from prehistoric Germanic.

4. Dulcinea - Sweetheart; a woman who is the
object of somebody's love, especially one who is idealized.
Mid-17th century. From Dulcinea, the name of Don Quixote's

5. Congenial - Compatible in tastes,
interests, attitudes, or backgrounds. Early 17th century. Formed from Latin con- + genial.
6. Dalliance - An amorous episode or affair.
Fourteenth century. Coined from dally + ance.

7. Sentient - Sensitive; capable of feeling
and percept- ion. Mid-17th century. From Latin sentient-,
present participle stem of sentire "to feel."

8. Myrtle - A symbol of love. Directly or via
Old French from medieval Latin myrtilla.

9. Fervent - Showing ardent or extremely
passionate enthusiasm. Fourteenth century. Via Old French
from, ultimately, Latin fervere "to boil."

10. Blandishment - The use of flattery and
enticements to persuade somebody to do something. Via the Old
French stem blandiss- from, ultimately, Latin blandus
"smooth, flattering."

11. Fidelity - Constancy and faithfulness to a
sexual partner, especially a husband or wife. Fifteenth
century. Directly or via French from Latin fidelitas
"faithfulness" from, ultimately, fides "faith."

12. Enamored - Filled with love or passion.
Thirteenth century. From Old French enamourer, from en- "to
cause to" + amour "love."

13. Tryst - An arrangement to meet, especially
one made privately or secretly by lovers. Fourteenth
century. From Old French triste "place to lie in wait," of
prehistoric Germanic origin.

14. Uuxorious - Excessively devoted or
submissive to one's wife. Late sixteenth century. Formed from
Latin uxoriosus, from uxor "wife."

15. Coquette - A flirtatious woman. Mid-17th
century. From French; the feminine form of coquet.

16. Concord - In harmony, friendly relations.
Thirteenth century. Via Old French from, ultimately, Latin
concord-, the stem of concors, literally "of one heart,"
from cor "heart."

17. Indelible - Impossible to remove and
therefore remaining forever. Fifteenth century. Directly or
via French indelebile from Latin indelebilis,
literally "not defaceable," from delere "to blot out, deface."

18. Lothario - A man who seduces women.
Mid-18th century. The name of such a character in The Fair
Penitent, a tragedy by Nicholas Rowe.

19. Pine - To yearn for somebody or something,
especially someone or something unattainable. Pre-12th
century. Origin uncertain: probably from, ultimately, Latin poena

20. Oscular - Pertaining to the mouth or
activities of the mouth, e.g., kissing. Early 19th century.
Formed from Latin osculum.

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